Importing metadata

It might not be convenient to maintain a huge model-index.yml file in your repository. So model-index make it easy to split data into smaller file.

Data can be imported from other YAML files, JSON files and from Markdown files.

Importing fields

For Models, Metadata and Results you can provide a filename instead of actual values. For example:

  - Name: Inception v3
    Metadata: models/metadata/inception_v3.yml
    Results: models/metadata/inception_v3_results.json

Both YAML and JSON are supported. The content of the file needs to conform to the expected structure specified for Models, Metadata and Results.

So in this case, inception_v3.yml could look like this:

Batch Size: 120
Epochs: 100
Dropout: 0.1

and inception_v3_results.json could look like this:

    "Task": "Image Classification",
    "Dataset": "ImageNet ReaL",
    "Metrics": {
      "Accuracy": "90.2%"

Importing a whole YAML file

You can split the model index into smaller files (e.g. containing a single collection of related models) and then import them into the main model-index.yml file:

  - models/metadata/inception_models.yml

Here the inception_models.yml file has to be in ModelIndex format (i.e. the same as the root model-index.yml file). For example:

  - Name: Inception models
  - Name: Inception v3 (original)
    In Collection: Inception models
      Epochs: 90
  - Name: Inception v3 (retrained)
    In Collection: Inception models
      Epochs: 120

Importing a whole JSON file

The imported file can also be in JSON format, as long as it has the same structure as the YAML:

  - models/metadata/mnasnet_100.json
  - models/metadata/mnasnet_200.json

So one of these JSON files could look like:

  "Epochs": 120,
  "Dropout": 0.2

Importing a whole Markdown file

  - docs/

Instead of specifying the README field of the model, you can add the model metadata directly into the markdown file.

Include the metadata in YAML format in a comment, with a Type: model-index key to indicate that it should be parsed by the model-index library. So, the could look like this:

Type: model-index
  - Name: RexNet
    Metadata: ../models/metadata/rexnet.json        
    Results: ../models/metadata/rexnet_results.json
# Summary

Rank Expansion Networks (ReXNets) follow a set of new design principles for 
designing bottlenecks in image classification models.

## How to use this model


Using wildcards to import multiple files

Specify wildcards to import multiple files:

  - docs/*.md
  - models/metadata/*.json